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Bienvenida/o a la COOKIES POLICY de la página web de la entidad  DR JUAN AIBAR donde te explicaremos en un lenguaje claro y sencillo todas las cuestiones necesarias para que puedas tener el control sobre ellas en base a tus decisiones personales.


Una cookie o galleta informática es un pequeño archivo de información que se guarda en tu ordenador, “smartphone” o tableta cada vez que visitas nuestra página web.

In principle, a cookie is harmless: it does not contain viruses, Trojans, worms, etc. that can damage your terminal, but it does have a certain impact on your right to the protection of your personal data, as it collects certain information concerning you (browsing habits, identity, preferences, etc.).

That is why, based on the provisions of the applicable regulations (LSSI and current legislation on personal data protection), the activation of certain types of cookies will require your prior authorization.

Before doing so, we will give you some additional information that will help you to make a better decision in this regard:

  1. Cookies can be of various types depending on their purpose:
  • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, they do not require your authorization and are the only ones we have enabled by default.
  • The other cookies are used to improve our site, to customize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes and personal interests. You can accept all these cookies by clicking the button ACCEPTor configure them or refuse to use them by clicking on the section COOKIE SETTINGS.
  1. Some cookies are ours (we will refer to them as our cookies) and others belong to external companies that provide services for our web site (we will call them third party cookies:an example could be cookies from external suppliers such as Google). In this regard, it is important for you to know that some of these external providers may be located outside Spain.

Globally, not all countries have the same level of data protection, with some countries being more secure than others (for example, the European Union is a secure environment for your data). Our policy is to use reliable suppliers who, regardless of whether or not they are located in the European Union, have adopted appropriate safeguards for the protection of your personal information. However, in the section entitled 

WHAT TYPE OF COOKIES ARE CURRENTLY USED ON OUR WEBSITE?If you wish to make an informed decision about whether or not to activate the privacy and data protection policies of each of these external providers, you can consult the different privacy and data protection policies of each of them. third party cookies that our web page use

  1. Finally, we would like to point out that, depending on the length of time they remain active, cookies can be of two types:
  • Session cookies: expire automatically when you log out of your computer, smartphone or tablet. They are usually used to retain the necessary information while a service is provided to you on a one-time basis.
  • Persistent cookies:remain stored on your computer, smartphone or tablet for a certain period of time, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.


  • Technical Cookies:

 Technical cookies are strictly necessary for our website to work and for you to be able to browse it. This type of cookies are those that, for example, allow us to identify you, give you access to certain restricted parts of the page if necessary, or remember different options or services already selected by you, such as your privacy preferences. For this reason,are activated by default, and your authorization is not required..

Through the configuration of your browser, you can block or alert of the presence of this type of cookies, although said blocking will affect the correct functioning of the different functionalities of our website.

  • Analytics Cookies:

Analytics cookies allow us to study the navigation of users of our website in general (for example, which sections of the site are the most visited, which services are most used and if they work properly, etc.).

Based on statistical information about navigation on our website, we can improve both the operation of the site itself and the various services it offers. Therefore, these cookiesare not intended for advertising purposesThey only serve to make our website work better, adapting it to our users in general. By activating them you will contribute to this continuous improvement.are not intended for advertising purposes,but only serve to make our website work better, adapting it to our users in general. By activating them you will contribute to this continuous improvement.

You can enable or disable these cookies by checking the appropriate box.The default settings are deactivated by default.

  • Functionality and Personalization Cookies:

Functionality cookies allow us to remember your preferences, to customize certain features and general options of our website each time you access it (for example, the language in which the information is presented to you, the sections marked as favorites, your browser type, etc.).

Therefore, this type of cookiesare not intended for advertising purposesBy activating them, you will improve the functionality of the website (for example, by adapting to your browser type) and the personalization of the website based on your preferences (for example, by presenting the information in the language you have chosen in the past), which will contribute to the ease, usability and comfort of our website during your navigation.

You can enable or disable these cookies by checking the appropriate box.The default settings are deactivated by default.

  • Advertising Cookies:

Advertising cookies allow us to manage the advertising spaces included on our website based on criteria such as the content displayed or the frequency at which ads are shown.

For example, if you have been shown the same advertisement several times on our website, and you have not shown a personal interest by clicking on it, it will not appear again. In short, by activating this type of cookie, the advertising displayed on our website will be more useful and diverse, and less repetitive.

You can enable or disable these cookies by checking the appropriate box.The default settings are deactivated by default.


Behavioral advertising cookies allow us to obtain information based on observing your browsing habits and behaviors on the web, in order to be able to show you advertising content that better suits your tastes and personal interests.

To make it easier for you to understand, we will give you a fictitious example: if your last searches on the web were related to thriller literature, we would show you advertisements about thriller books.

Therefore, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising we show you on our website will not be generic, but will be oriented to your searches, tastes and interests, thus adjusting exclusively to you.

You can enable or disable these cookies by checking the appropriate box.The default settings are deactivated by default.


Below, we proceed to inform you about all the types of cookies that are currently used on our website and the purpose of each of them

  • Cookie de Google Maps,  as set forth on its page on whattype of cookies uses.
  • Cookie de Google Maps, según lo dispuesto en su página sobre qué tipo de cookies utilizan.
  • Social networks:Social media cookies may be stored in your browser while you are browsing the site. for example, when you use the button to share content on any social network. The companies that generate these cookies corresponding to the social networks used by this website have their own cookie policies:
  • Redes sociales: Social network cookies can be stored in your browser while you browse for example, when you use the button to share content on a social network. The companies that generate these cookies corresponding to the social networks that this website uses have their own cookie policies:
  • Cookie of twitter,  as set forth in itsprivacy policy and use of cookies.
  • Facebook Cookie, in accordance with the provisions of its cookies policy
  • Instagram Cookie, as set forth in its. Cookies policy

The privacy implications will depend on each social network and will depend on the privacy settings you have chosen in these networks. In no case, neither the responsible of this website nor the advertisers can obtain personally identifiable information from these cookies.


When you access our website for the first time, you will be shown a window in which we inform you that cookies can be of various types:

  • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, they do not require your authorization and are the only ones we have enabled by default.
  • The other cookies are used to improve our site, to customize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes and personal interests. You can accept all these cookies by clicking the button ACCEPTor configure them or refuse to use them by clicking on the section COOKIE SETTINGS.

 Lastly, please note that, if you activatethird party cookies (external companies that provide services for our website) and subsequently wish to disable them, you can do so in two ways: using the tools to disable cookies from your browser or through the systems enabled by such external providers.

Also remind you that, through your browser settings, you can block or warn of the presence of cookies, although said blocking may affect the correct functioning of the different functionalities of our website in the case of necessary technical cookies.

Finally, indicate that, if you activate third party cookies (external companies that provide services for our website) and later you want to deactivate them, you can do so in two ways: using the cookie deactivation tools in your browser or through the systems enabled by said external providers.

To make it much easier for you, here are a series of links to the guidelines for disabling cookies in commonly used browsers:

Què és la Neuromodulació?

La neuromodulació és un camp de recerca clínico-quirúrgica que té com a objectiu restablir la funció normal de determinats circuits patològics (majoritàriament circuits del moviment o circuits relacionats amb el dolor). Aquest objectiu es pot aconseguir mitjançant l’ús de teràpies poc invasives que actuen directament sobre el nucli o nervi afectat i que en un percentatge no menyspreable dels casos poden ser molt efectives. Algunes d’aquestes teràpies inclouen fàrmacs neuromoduladors, tècniques de radiofreqüència o l’implant d’elèctrodes d’estimulació cerebral, medul·lar o radicular.

La valoració per un equip multidisciplinar és important per poder escalonar els tractaments, des dels menys invasius (fàrmacs) fins als més invasius (cirurgies), passant per teràpies intermèdies.

És important reconèixer que no tots els tipus de dolors són tributaris de teràpies de neuromodulació, i la correcta selecció del pacient és la millor garantia per obtenir un resultat clínic satisfactori.

What is Neuromodulation?

Neuromodulation is a clinical-surgical research field whose objective is to restore the normal function of pathological circuits (mostly movement circuits or pain-related circuits). This objective can be achieved using minimally invasive therapies applied to the affected nucleus or nerve, which in a non-negligible percentage of cases will be very effective. Some of these therapies include neuromodulatory medication, radiofrequency techniques or the implantation of electrodes for stimulation of the brain, spinal cord, or nerve roots.

The assessment by a multidisciplinary team is important so that the treatment can be “staggered” from the least invasive (medication) to the most invasive (surgery), passing through intermediate therapies. 

It is important to know that not all kind of pains are tributaries of neuromodulation therapies, being the correct selection the best guarantee to obtain a satisfactory result.

¿Qué es la Neuromodulación?

La neuromodulación es un campo de investigación clínico-quirúrgica cuyo objetivo es restablecer la función normal de determinados circuitos patológicos (mayoritariamente circuitos del movimiento o circuitos relacionados con el dolor). Este objetivo puede ser logrado mediante el uso de terapias poco invasivas que actúan directamente sobre el núcleo o nervio afectado y que en un porcentaje no despreciable de los casos pueden ser muy efectivas. Algunas de estas terapias incluyen fármacos neuromoduladores, técnicas de radiofrecuencia o el implante de electrodos de estimulación cerebral, medular o radicular.

La valoración por un equipo multidisciplinar es importante para poder escalonar los tratamientos, desde los menos invasivos (fármacos) hasta los más invasivos (cirugías), pasando por terapias intermedias.

Es importante conocer que no todos los tipos de dolores son tributarios de terapias de neuromodulación, siendo la correcta selección del paciente la mejor garantía para obtener un resultado clínico satisfactorio.