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Neurosurgery and pain disorders
Neuro-oncology and brain tumors

Spinal disorders

Trigeminal neuralgia

Neurosurgeon in Barcelona

Dr. Aibar obtained his medical degree from the University of Barcelona (UB) (Hospital de Bellvitge) with remarkable results.

His interest in neuroscience appeared early in his professional career. After passing the state tests to access the specialty, he completed his specialized training in Neurosurgery at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau) with an outstanding positive result.

His collaboration in different clinical and research projects have led him to be part of various state and European neuroscience associations (Spanish Society of Neurosurgery and the European Society of Functional and Stereotaxic Neurosurgery), toas well as the authorship of studies published in important neurosurgery journals.

He was recently awarded for his research project among the twelve best PhD programs of the UAB.

. Dr. Aibar, Neurosurgeon in Barcelona, ​​is characterized by a relaxed and highly close treatment in which he will honestly explain what your therapeutic options are and possibilities for improvement.

Neurosurgeon in Barcelona - Specialist in pathologies

Functional neurosurgery and surgery of pain disorders are two neurosurgical subspecialties studying the pathological processes that trigger some neurological diseases.

Neuromodulation, which is the main tool of this subspecialty, uses minimally invasive surgical techniques to reverse the abnormal functioning of the central or peripheral nervous system and, therefore, restore the balance that health entails.

Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a craniofacial pain disorder that triggers severe pain in one part of the face, including the cheekbone area, the mouth or even the eye. This pain is caused by irritation of the trigeminal nerve (the main facial sensory nerve).

There is a wide variety of brain tumors,most of them growths very slow and have a benign behavior. Nevertheless, brain tumors can originate from different structures, from the meninges, which is fibrous tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord spinal (meningiomas) to the brain cells themselves (primary brain tumor or glioma) or they can arrive to the brain from other parts of the body (metastasis).

Some painful spinal disorders are spinal/vertebral tumors, vertebral fractures or, the most common one, degenerative spine disease, also known as spondylosis (or popularly, osteoarthritis of the spine).

Dr. Juan Aibar - Neurosurgeon in Barcelona - Experience and Professionalism

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Neuroplasticity and brain tumors

Neuroplasticity and brain tumors

¿Qué es la Neuroplasticidad? La neuroplasticidad es la capacidad que tienen algunas zonas del sistema nervioso para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones, ya sea fisiológicas (ser

dolor neuropático

Distinguish neuropathic pain

¿Puedo yo mismo saber si el dolor que tengo es dolor neuropático? Existen determinados síntomas y signos que hacen sospechar que un dolor es probablemente

Relación entre un tumor cerebral y la pérdida de memoria

Brain tumor and memory loss

Ante el diagnóstico de un tumor cerebral es importante la valoración cuidadosa de las regiones cerebrales cercanas al tumor, sobre todo si se requiere una

"He who works with his hands, mind and heart is an artist."

Què és la Neuromodulació?

La neuromodulació és un camp de recerca clínico-quirúrgica que té com a objectiu restablir la funció normal de determinats circuits patològics (majoritàriament circuits del moviment o circuits relacionats amb el dolor). Aquest objectiu es pot aconseguir mitjançant l’ús de teràpies poc invasives que actuen directament sobre el nucli o nervi afectat i que en un percentatge no menyspreable dels casos poden ser molt efectives. Algunes d’aquestes teràpies inclouen fàrmacs neuromoduladors, tècniques de radiofreqüència o l’implant d’elèctrodes d’estimulació cerebral, medul·lar o radicular.

La valoració per un equip multidisciplinar és important per poder escalonar els tractaments, des dels menys invasius (fàrmacs) fins als més invasius (cirurgies), passant per teràpies intermèdies.

És important reconèixer que no tots els tipus de dolors són tributaris de teràpies de neuromodulació, i la correcta selecció del pacient és la millor garantia per obtenir un resultat clínic satisfactori.

What is Neuromodulation?

Neuromodulation is a clinical-surgical research field whose objective is to restore the normal function of pathological circuits (mostly movement circuits or pain-related circuits). This objective can be achieved using minimally invasive therapies applied to the affected nucleus or nerve, which in a non-negligible percentage of cases will be very effective. Some of these therapies include neuromodulatory medication, radiofrequency techniques or the implantation of electrodes for stimulation of the brain, spinal cord, or nerve roots.

The assessment by a multidisciplinary team is important so that the treatment can be “staggered” from the least invasive (medication) to the most invasive (surgery), passing through intermediate therapies. 

It is important to know that not all kind of pains are tributaries of neuromodulation therapies, being the correct selection the best guarantee to obtain a satisfactory result.

¿Qué es la Neuromodulación?

La neuromodulación es un campo de investigación clínico-quirúrgica cuyo objetivo es restablecer la función normal de determinados circuitos patológicos (mayoritariamente circuitos del movimiento o circuitos relacionados con el dolor). Este objetivo puede ser logrado mediante el uso de terapias poco invasivas que actúan directamente sobre el núcleo o nervio afectado y que en un porcentaje no despreciable de los casos pueden ser muy efectivas. Algunas de estas terapias incluyen fármacos neuromoduladores, técnicas de radiofrecuencia o el implante de electrodos de estimulación cerebral, medular o radicular.

La valoración por un equipo multidisciplinar es importante para poder escalonar los tratamientos, desde los menos invasivos (fármacos) hasta los más invasivos (cirugías), pasando por terapias intermedias.

Es importante conocer que no todos los tipos de dolores son tributarios de terapias de neuromodulación, siendo la correcta selección del paciente la mejor garantía para obtener un resultado clínico satisfactorio.